About Us
About HighQ LLC
HighQ began on the “other side” of the business as a consulting company developing and guiding packages through the hazmat, regulatory and temperature validation requirements for many types of packages. What became apparent was that many customers were new to the process and didn’t understand the certification requirements. Many package labs had the attitude of “Send your packages in and we’ll get back to you with the results, pass or fail”. HighQ Testing grew out of the need to have a package lab that helps clients better understand the process, educate them on what types of packages can pass the tests and ultimately get them to a successful result.

About Barry Johnston
Barry has over 30 years in package development and hazardous packaging experience. His impact through packages he developed, validated or certified is evident in every segment of the medical and chemical industry. From kits for clinical trials, laboratories, critical medications, battery packages and a multitude of chemicals he has been a part of helping customers packages in one form or another. He founded HighQ Testing in 2004 to provide assistance to customers trying to comply with and understand new regulations from DOT, IATA, FDA and others. In addition, Barry is an original member of the Dangerous Goods Training Association and has trained thousands of people around the world in hazmat regulations.